Bob Lancer Presents
The New Wisdom of Joy
Using the Method

The Method is the missing key to liberation from our emotional suffering for truly living in joy and abundance
Your arrival here is no accident
The universe is right now offering you an open door into the liberation from fear, the feeling of being a victim and lingering resentments that keep you stuck in the past, and in an unhappy mental movie about your life.
Will you step through?
Live a Life of Joy
To consistently live in true joy – which is freedom from emotional suffering – we must want happiness more than we want whatever we thought would bring happiness to us. As we use The Method to let go of our attachments, our pure, unconditional joy arises. As we remain in our joy by remaining aware of our feelings, we find that happiness actually brings to us all we thought we needed for our happiness.
Whether you are struggling with finances, career, relationships, health challenges, traumas or just plain unhappiness and anxiety, The Method can set you free. The Method is the missing key to liberation from our emotional suffering and truly living in joy and abundance. With The Method, you don’t have to struggle emotionally, financially or in other way. You can release emotional drain, melancholy, pessimism and frustration.
Using The Method unearths and releases the blockages to living our highest wisdom and joy. It empowers us to actually live our highest wisdom and inspiration, with authenticity, joy, love, success and abundance. The Method is the doorway leading you through the wall of fear, disappointment and addiction that has been holding you back from finding and fulfilling your true purpose, doing what you love for a living, and accessing and liberating your special gifts and talents.
Use The Method
The Method is a simple, amazingly effective guided meditation that immediately releases you from your emotional pain. The Method helps you clear your fear-based mental and emotional patterns. You achieve inner peace, love, joy and fulfillment beyond your greatest dreams.
I will guide you through The Method to transform unhappiness, anxiety and traumatic blocks into blissful joy. I can support you with phone coaching, online live and recorded classes and weekly email lessons in The New Wisdom Of Joy to manifest a harmonious life of authenticity, abundance, happiness, love, gratitude and inner peace.