
I did some of the deepest work of my life with him (Bob)

Robin Thomas

Bob, I love the one minute-ish videos. It’s a mini tune-up, and especially powerful for me because your voice automatically evokes joy and happiness because of The Method telephone sessions I have with you.

Janet K.

Bob is excellent…

Joann Spaneas

I have grown so much from the classes I have taken with Bob Lancer

Jill Vetstein

I found my soulmate within 90 days of beginning this book [The Soulmate Process]. This system works so well I keep buying copies for my single friends.

L. Schiffman

Love Bob Lancer!!!

Kristen Triffitt

I had an experience that I thought could benefit you. A colleague of mine, Bob Lancer, has discovered a breakthrough method for reversing negative patterns he calls The Method. I experienced a demonstration of The Method for myself and it was quite remarkable. Bob did this for me over the phone. I’ve worked very closely with Bob on a number of projects over the last 5 years, and I can confidently say his integrity is impeccable and his level of achievement and competency at doing things of this nature is extremely high.

Tom Cramer, CEO and Co-Founder of Braintrust

I love Bob Lancer! He is an amazing teacher and healer and influential source of knowledge to incorporate positive notions and methods of relief from negative thoughts or feelings and emotions- if you ever feel like your emotions have controlled your thoughts or overwhelmed your mind, his implementations and words are a tangible model and source of encouragement. His books and articles are highly recommended. If you have children, these praises attribute in the same regards, as his expertise extend in child development and guidance/coping mechanisms and strategies. Completely worth checking into.

C. Weinzapfel

Bob Lancer is a leading edge teacher, coach and author whose breakthrough methods apply to any area that you feel stuck in.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Bob is the best and has continued to change my life

Connie Aramento

Bob is totally amazing and changed my life

Lisa Campion

Hi Bob, I want to write to thank you for all the work that you have done. At the beginning of my journey, you told me that I will be completely different person. I can definitely say that I feel so much better: I feel happy, calm (most of the time :), I take time to live in the moment and enjoy life (this has never happened before!) and see MIRACLES. You made it all possible. I truly don’t know how to thank you for showing me that there is a different way to live. Please know that every day I thank you and your work.

Anna B. Memphis, TN

He (Bob) is amazing!

Monique Garcia

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