The Method For Taking Charge Of Your Life

We all feel the need to take charge of our lives at times. We want to know exactly what to do to bring about the specific outcome that we believe is necessary. We feel that we need to do something to make what we want to happen.

And while there are times when we know just what to do, there are times when we don’t know. At those times you know only that you want a particular outcome, but you don’t know how to make it happen. So the question at such times is: what do you do when you don’t know what to do?

If you don’t know what to do it is not time to do. It is time to feel. Go into feeling, because feeling attracts ideas consistent or in harmony with how you feel. More specifically, go into feelings that are in harmony with what you want to bring about. We often do the opposite, without realizing how that opposes what it is that we are trying to accomplish.

The opposite of getting into feeling-harmony with what you want is placing yourself in feelings of being pressured, blocked, stuck, frustrated and frightened. That’s right; when you feel those uncomfortable feelings it is because you and you alone are placing yourself within them. While it seems that others or circumstances do this to you, how you feel is in reaction to what you think.

The point I’m making here is that the more you generate feelings of inner discord – also called “negative emotion” – the more you are aligning with what you do not want to happen.

To be in harmonious alignment with what you want, you have to feel as if it is your current condition. You have to feel your intention for this condition to be rather than any frustration over it not being. You have to feel the sense of the situation you want to be in working perfectly for you right now.

Remaining focused on these feelings is often all you need to do for what you want. You find your opportunity for receiving what you want showing up without you having to take any additional action.

At other times that focus brings an idea that leads you to an action that feels empowering, inspiring and encouraging. That action will either be enough to bring about what you want, or it will lead to another positive feeling action.

When you follow this sequence an outcome in harmony with your desire is bound to come at just the right time. Trusting in this is another important element of harmonious alignment.

To the extent that you doubt or worry about what you want not happening, to that extent you are aligning with the opposite of what you want.

While you can count on this sequence for taking charge of your life. The challenge is that sometimes our fears get in the way of our application of it. They are just too deeply rooted. As hard as we try to feel the presence of what we want, we can’t stop fearing and imaging the presence of what we do not want. Here is where The Method comes in.

Using The Method quickly and effectively releases our energy from the fear-based patterns that block what we want.

Contact me to schedule your demonstration of The Method over the phone to release your limiting beliefs for more joy, love and abundance.

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