The first thing to understand about The Method is that it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a feeling process.
So please don’t try to explain to yourself or others how or why it works. Don’t try to explain or dispute the assumptions that it asks you to accept as a premise. Intellectualizing aborts its effectiveness.
If you fall for the temptation to explain or argue for or against it intellectually you will then have your clever intellectual exercise, but no change. You will continue suffering with the same old patterns and the unwanted reflections in the physical world that those patterns produce.
Following this simple instruction appears to be more difficult than it seems.
I recently shared The Method with a woman who has been involved in spiritual growth teachings for a long time. She considers herself to be quite astute in spiritual traditions and practices of many kinds. She wanted help with a particular pattern that she described. “I keep blocking my feelings with thinking and I want to stop that.” I explained to her that The Method can certainly help her with this, and added, “Don’t try to intellectually understand why or how it works. Don’t compare it to other things that you have tried. Just do it and feel the experience.”
I then proceeded to guide her through the steps and she instantly felt a significant shift. But the next instant she started explaining to me why the method works, referring to all sorts of similar practices and philosophies that she had learned! As soon as she began I tried to stop her, but there was no putting a halt to it. She stopped feeling and kept talking and our work turned out to be a total waste of both of our time.
Shift From Thinking To Feeling
We were raised in an intellectually based society. School is all about developing the intellect, not the feelings. This is how we have created a civilization so blatantly, devastatingly lacking in compassion toward ourselves, toward one another and toward the natural world.
Intellectualizing, speculating, figuring things out with our minds is how we were trained to solve our problems and keep our lives on track.
But it’s more than this. Thinking is a way of escaping from and blocking our feelings.
We block feelings because they feel uncomfortable. Who wants to feel the pain of not feeling good enough, feeling that you are not doing enough, feeling powerless, sad or angry?
But in our feelings is where all of our love, power, joy and the higher intelligence of intuition are buried.
So we need to let ourselves feel our feelings completely to release the infinite power, joy, wisdom, intelligence and love contained within them.
Following your feelings guides you into the use of The Method. When you experience feelings of pain or discomfort, like anger, fear, powerlessness or loss, your feeling is indicating to you that it is time to go through the steps of The Method to release your energy from those feelings. As you do this you experience more joy, love, empowerment and intuition than ever before and your life reflects those higher feeling states with more wonderful material circumstances.
Contact me to schedule your demonstration of The Method over the phone to release your limiting beliefs for more joy, love and abundance.