The Method Education

The Method For Derailing Your Detractors

When people relate to you in ways that cause you to feel devalued, disrespected, unappreciated or diminished in stature, it is tempting to become defensive and offensive in reaction, but all this does is reinforce the underlying insecurity within you that is causing your pain.

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The Method For Proving Joy Works

What if fulfilling your true responsibility meant fully enjoying right now; if it meant deeply relaxing into your present opportunity for peace; if it meant sinking into the pleasure of completely appreciating all there is to appreciate here and now?

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Inner Work Is Real Work

To the extent that you feel dissatisfied with your life you have INNER work to do. While most believe they need to make outer changes to bring them the feeling of satisfaction that they desire, the reality is: if you feel dissatisfied where you are you will feel dissatisfied where you are going.

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Lyrical Wisdoms

Monitor your consciousness.
Notice every wave of feeling.
Notice every thought as thought.
Fear is unfounded
Relative to your True Self.

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The Method is a Feeling Process

The first thing to understand about The Method is that it’s not an intellectual process. It’s a feeling process. So please don’t try to explain to yourself or others how or why it works.

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The Steps Of The Method

The Method proceeds through a series of steps. Doing the following simple version of it on your own can be quite effective, with practice. This outline is especially helpful to those I’ve guided through The Method, as a way of practicing taking yourselves through it.

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The Method, The Real World And Money

I can remember in my teen years my father telling that the real world is a jungle. There’s no room for vulnerability, no place for sensitivity, and the closest we come to safety is through conformity.

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The Method For Thought-Mastery

Thought is a marvelously creative power. Imagine someone whom you feel strongly attracted to being in love with you, and if you believe in that thought, even if you are deluding yourself you feel the uplifting thrills that go with that belief.

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