The Method For Joyful Awakening
Wouldn’t you love to wake up in joy every morning? There is nothing preventing you from feeling this way but your habitual emotional reactions and thoughts.
Wouldn’t you love to wake up in joy every morning? There is nothing preventing you from feeling this way but your habitual emotional reactions and thoughts.
Anything is possible right where you are. It is only your limiting beliefs that limit your expectation of perfection’s infinite potentiality.
Painful emotions are like painful electric shocks that you instinctively want to avoid. And yet, the power of electricity can be harnessed to produce positive conditions like heat in the winter and cool in the summer.
The true nature of all of your relationships is universal, unconditional love. Perfect, infinite love characterizes the way the universe as a whole, including every individual aspect of the universe, interacts with itself.
Joy is the feeling of your natural energy. The discomfort of feeling less than fully joyful signals the unnaturalness of any feeling that is less than joyful. Thus, when you are not feeling joy it is because you are not being natural, you are blocking your authenticity.
Any imperfect condition is an illusion. We can say that God creates perfection and human beings create imperfection. The imperfection we create is not real, though. It is all imaginary.
Every human being has been endowed with certain innate gifts and talents. Your gifts and talents define your path of joy in life and express the uniqueness of who you are and the true purpose of why you are.
Sooner or later you will have to lose all hope in gaining any real or lasting happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction from any worldly condition.
You are of infinite value to the universe. Thus, the universe will always perfectly support and provide for you. If you see yourself as less than infinitely valuable, precious and indispensable, your view is in misalignment with the view of the universe.
When you take things too seriously, you miss the point and get in your own way. You do your best when you feel your best, and you feel your best when you are enjoying the game, not fretting over the outcome.
Right now you are intricately interconnected with the Perfect, Infinite Abundance, Intelligence, Beauty, Harmony, and Love that we call “the universe”. You are part of this universe. You live, move and have your being in it. You are of this universe. You are this universe.
Expand your vision into the perfection of all aspects of your life, of the world, of the universe. Let the energy of joy flowing from your open heart fill this vision with life, energy and real power. Trusting that all works out perfectly, give no resistance to this ceaseless flow of perfect expansion.
The present now expands into a new, infinite experience of limitless beauty, order, power, perfection and joy. Holding on holds that back, and the pressure of your resistance causes the degree of inner discomfort or pain you suffer.
There are three essential factors for living a joyful life of meaning, love, joy and abundance. These are the elements of: balance, rhythm and harmony. In the absence of any one of these elements the other two dissipate.
True joy is not based on any particular condition happening to you, because to the extent that you depend upon any particular outcome you must experience some degree of insecurity based on two unavoidable facts.