The Method For Feeling Secure
On what condition do you base your feelings of security? A new relationship? A new client? A rave review? A report from your doctor that gives you a clean bill of health? An inspiring song or speech?
On what condition do you base your feelings of security? A new relationship? A new client? A rave review? A report from your doctor that gives you a clean bill of health? An inspiring song or speech?
If you are not receiving what you have been wanting, it is because there are unwanted aspects that you are associating with getting what you want.
We all have an intrinsic need to feel that who we are and what we have to offer is intrinsically valuable. When you feel secure in your sense of self-value you feel empowered and inspired to take massive action on your behalf.
Obviously you would rather feel positive anticipation than dread regarding your future. But what about those times when dread, be it mild anxiety or out-and-out terror, grabs a hold on you?
One great thing about The Method is that it takes you to a “place” of feeling completely secure about your finances, about your relationships, about your life as a whole.
When we experience the feeling of, and the belief in, lack, scarcity or shortage, we experience a sense of internal tightness and fear, as if being in that situation was real.
It’s commonly said that life is hard, that life is difficult. Parents program their children to believe this from an early age. But how many have taken the time to really examine the cause behind the feeling that life is difficult?
Negative emotion is like a stinky, filthy, yucky rock that you don’t want to touch. But what if you knew that contained in the core of that smelly rock is a chunk of pure gold worth a million dollars, and that there is a simple method for opening up that rock to release that gold?
As long as you believe in your personal power to produce what you want you cannot be guided by Perfect Intelligence and Love along the path to your true fulfillment. You remain confined by your attachments and condemned to your feelings of insecurity.
You are of infinite value to the universe. Thus, the universe will always perfectly support and provide for you. If you see yourself as less than infinitely valuable, precious and indispensable, your view is in misalignment with the view of the universe.
We all feel the need to take charge of our lives at times. We want to know exactly what to do to bring about the specific outcome that we believe is necessary. We feel that we need to do something to make what we want to happen.
Feeling de-valued or unvalued is no fun at all. Beyond the sheer internal pain of it, there are circumstantial consequences.
Depression sets in when a person feels purposeless. Some snuff out their unfulfilled inspiration with drink or drugs. Some are driven to acts of terror to fill the vacuum left by a sense of being of no importance.