The Method Education

The Method for Forgiving

There is a secret for freeing yourself into the state of total forgiveness. I’ll give it to you simply. It’s leading your life in such a way that you are experiencing so much joy and fulfillment that you have no inner space of emptiness where you could feel resentment.

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The Method for Living in Perfection

To FEEL that everything is perfect you really only need one thing in your life to happen in a wonderful way. It may be the birth of your child or when you feel yourself in love with a significant other.

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The Method for Creating a New Life Story

Your life is an exact reflection of the emotional life-story that you tell yourself about your life. This is great news because it makes clear the exact “button to push” to place your life on the track toward all that you want it to be.

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The Method For Your Higher Development

As you advance in your development, your problems turn into solutions and you experience more joy, love, freedom, power and abundance. New problems then arise that challenge you to develop further, and thus your developmental process proceeds. There are no known limits to your potential for development.

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The Method for Abundance

Abundance is a law, like gravity or any other natural law. You don’t have to worry about the law of gravity not working for you. You don’t worry that when you get out of bed in the morning that gravity won’t be there for you to place you firmly on the floor.

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The Method for Improving Your Relationships

You are producing the quality of your relationship experiences. This applies to all of your relationships, including the one that you are having with your significant other (or ex) and with your children (if you have any).

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The Method For Defeating Intimidation

If you have ever felt intimidated – and who hasn’t – the feeling stems from a single, simple false belief in the existence of two powers. The reality is that there is only One Power, and it is love despite the reports of appearances that would suggest the contrary.

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